Founded by Juliette Gordon Low in Savannah, Georgia on March 12, 1912, Girl Scouts serves more than 1.9 million girl members from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Girl Scouts of NE Kansas & NW Missouri is one of 112 councils across the United States. Our council is chartered by Girl Scouts of the USA and supports about 23,000 girl members and 8,000 adult volunteers in its 47 county jurisdiction surrounding the Greater Kansas City, Topeka and St. Joseph areas.
Since its beginning, the St. Elizabeth Cub Scout program has been a fun and educational experience concerned with values. Besides providing a positive place where boys from grades 1st through 5th can enjoy safe, wholesome activities, Cub Scouting focuses on building character, improving physical fitness, teaching practical skills, and developing a spirit of community service.
Scouts BSA, commonly known as Boys Scouts of America, is the traditional Scouting experience for youth in the 5th grade through high school. Service, community engagement and leadership development are key elements of the program as youth lead their own activities and work their way toward earning Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout. Troop 150 was chartered in 1929. It is part of the Heart of America Council, Three Trails District, and is chartered to the "Friends of St. Elizabeth’s Boy Scout Troop 150."
Since its beginning, the St. Elizabeth Cub Scout program has been a fun and educational experience concerned with values. Besides providing a positive place where boys from grades 1st through 5th can enjoy safe, wholesome activities, Cub Scouting focuses on building character, improving physical fitness, teaching practical skills, and developing a spirit of community service.
Scouts BSA, commonly known as Boys Scouts of America, is the traditional Scouting experience for youth in the 5th grade through high school. Service, community engagement and leadership development are key elements of the program as youth lead their own activities and work their way toward earning Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout. Troop 150 was chartered in 1929. It is part of the Heart of America Council, Three Trails District, and is chartered to the "Friends of St. Elizabeth’s Boy Scout Troop 150."
Girl Scouts
St. Elizabeth School and Parish has an outstanding Girl Scouts program available to all girls. Approximately 180 girls participate in individual troops from Kindergarten through 8th grade. Eighteen dedicated troop leaders and countless parent volunteers provide support to make our scouting program possible. St. Elizabeth troops are a part of the largest organization for girls in the world. Girl Scouts was founded on March 12, 1912, and serves more than 2.3 million girls. The Girl Scout motto is “building girls of courage, confidence, and character, to make the world a better place.” Through activities in science and technology, business and economic literacy, and outdoor and environmental awareness, Girl Scouts provides opportunities for fun and friendship, while fostering leadership skills and building self-esteem. In addition to individual monthly troop meetings, our annual all-school scouting activities include an overnight campout, father-daughter dance, skating party, mother-daughter brunch, and Girl Scout Sunday Mass. The St. E's Girl Scouts and Leaders would like to thank our parish family for supporting our many activities. We feel very blessed to be part of such an amazing, caring community! Girl Scout Troop Leaders Daisy Scouts: K (Troop ) Amanda Jeffries & Devin Whitaker 1st (Troop ) Susie Bradford & Maureen Boesen Brownie Scouts: 2nd (Troop 4383) Andrea Raya & Alice Janes 3rd (Troop 3740) Jenni Mitchell & Niki Switzer Junior Scouts: 4th (Troop 3847) Alice Arredondo 5th (Troop 2662) Ali Saucier & Stacia Troshynski-Brown Cadette Scouts: 6th (Troop 2437) Alycia Sack 7th (Troop 1437) Sarah Hoshor & Stacia Troshynski-Brown 8th (Troop ) Shannon Kenton cub Scouts
Cub Scouting is fun for the whole family! In Scouting, boys and girls start with their best right-now selves and grow into their very best future selves. It’s fun, hands-on learning and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action and prepares them for today – and for life. St. Elizabeth’s Pack 150 Join us on Facebook! Boys in grades 1-5 are invited to participate in the Cub Scout program through Pack 150. Pack 150, established in 1929, is where boys begin walking the “Trail to Eagle Scout”. We are affiliated with The Heart of America Council and follow the curriculum as set forth by Scouting USA. The larger ‘Pack’ is divided up into smaller groups known as ‘Dens’ based on grade level. Each month there are 1-2 Den Meetings, where the boys enjoy fun activities, field trips and experiences in order to complete the requirements needed to advance in rank. There is also one Pack meeting each month where the whole group gets together to share their achievements and participate in fun activities with the whole Pack. Heart of America Council Scouting USA Annual Pack Activities Tiger Cub Introduction & Family Campout Rocket Launch/other Pack Activity Parish Leaf Raking Service Project Arrow of Light (5th graders advance to Boy Scout Troop 150) Scout Sunday – Mass for Boy/Cub Scouts Mother/Son Dance Hikes Pinewood Derby Car Races Blue/Gold Dinner Celebration Cub Scout Camp (Day camp for Tigers - All other levels enjoy an overnight camp) 1st Grade: Tiger Den 2nd Grade: Wolf Den 3rd Grade: Bear Den 4th Grade: Webelos 1 5th Grade: Webelos 2 How does my son get involved? We register our Pack in August, but you can join at any time by emailing [email protected]. If your son did not participate in scouting last year, but now wants to join, they are fully welcome and will be placed in their grade level Den. Most of our cub scouts attend school at St. Elizabeth, but any boy in the area who wants to join our Pack is welcome to do so. How do I volunteer? A successful scouting program demands great parental involvement! There is a FOSE (Friends of Scouting) Committee that meets monthly to plan and organize the Pack Activities. Each Den is led by ‘Den Parents’ who plan and organize the Den Meetings where the boys complete their requirements. If you would like to help organize your son’s grade level Den, sit on the FOSE Committee, or help with one of the pack events, please email [email protected]. Mission Statement The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Scout Oath On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. Scout Law A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. Cub Scout Motto “Do Your Best!” Vision Statement The Boy Scouts of America will prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Scout Law. scouts BSA
Troop 150 is all about developing youth through fun, adventure, and the outdoors! Scouts BSA is when youth make the move from parent-led programs to youth-led program. The youth leadership of Troop 150 decides where they will camp, what events and field trips to take and what activities will happen during meetings. We camp every month. We also have additional events each month like rock climbing, hiking, visiting haunted houses, etc. Every summer we spend 10 days at Camp Bartle in central Missouri enjoying everything the outdoors have to offer. And some years we send a group to a High Adventure camp to do things like climing a 14,000 foot peak, or white-water rafting, or sailing a tall ship off the coast of Florida. Scouts in Troop 150 experience many forms of self improvement like teamwork, responding to adversity and being prepared. This is done through rank advancement on the path to Eagle Scout and earning merit badges in a variety of areas: Cooking, Cycling, Rifle Shooting, Archery, Photography, Citizenship, Programming, Space Exploration and more. Scouts also are involved in the community through service projects like the Blue River cleanup, food and clothing drives and volunteer hours. Our meetings are held on the first and third Monday nights of each month with some adjustments for holidays. Visit the Troop 150 website at Get started with Troop 150 or request more info via email: [email protected]. #ScoutOn |
Contact info:
Scouting EventsAugust: Girl Scout Campout
October: Girl Scout Mass November: Phyllis Harris Food Drive November: Father Daughter Dance January: Skate Night January: Rosewood Derby March: Mother Daughter Lunch |